One of the Armenian telegram channels has shared posts about the long queues in Karabakh. In the posts, it is reported that people in Karabakh stand in long queues to buy bread, and at this time they lose consciousness and fall to the ground.

The channel admin added a photo showing the long queue to the shared post.

Faktyoxla Lab. has checked whether the shared photo is genuine.

When searching for a photo using the “reverse search” method, it is found that the photo is old. It turns out that this photo was taken by a Reuters reporter in 2014. The queue was at a job fair for undergraduate students in Zhengzhou, Henan, China. About 50,000 job seekers visited that fair.


∗ The Armenian Telegram channel made another fake about a “humanitarian disaster” in the Karabakh economic region.

∗ The photo has nothing to do with Karabakh

∗ The photo was taken at a job fair for undergraduate students in Zhengzhou, Henan Province, China.