Wojciech Konończuk, Director of the Polish Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW), has shared a tweet: "Taner Akçam, Turkish historian, writes that Azerbaijani soldiers wear patches with Enver Pasha (the organizer of 1915 Armenian Genocide in Türkiye) and words "Don't run, Armenian, you will die of exhaustion anyway." 100,000 Armenians have already fled Karabakh for fear of Azerbaijani forces."

One of the most famous websites of the Armenian diaspora, news.am, referring to Taner Akcam, published an article about this: "The chevrons of Azerbaijani soldiers read: "Don't run away, Armenian, you will eventually die of exhaustion."

Professor Artyom Tonoyan, an Armenian scientist, a speaker at the Global Studies at Hamline University, shared the photo mentioned last year: "As Azerbaijan reverts to type and attacks Armenian positions in Nagorno-Karabakh, here is an army uniform patch making rounds on Azeri socials. An image of notorious Ottoman genocidaire Enver Pasha with the inscription "Armenian, don't run! You'll die anyway, just exhausted," he wrote.

Social media outlets are constantly spreading information about the existence of this chevron on the outerwear of the Azerbaijani military.

Faktyoxla Lab. has clarified whether the shared chevron is on the uniforms of the Azerbaijani servicemen.

When we searched the photo using the "reverse search" method, we discovered the following facts:

1.The mentioned photo was taken in one of the camps of the "Azerbaijan Airsoft" simulation game.

The "Azerbaijan Airsoft Sport Club" logo can be seen on the chevron on the arm of the man in military uniform standing on the left. The soldier, whose face is hidden, has a helmet from the famous simulation game "Star Wars". There are no such helmets in field uniforms of Azerbaijani soldiers.

2.On the field uniform worn by the soldier, we find the expression "MultiCam". "MulticAM@" is a camouflage pattern specially designed and manufactured by the American company "Crye Precision" for use in various environments and conditions.

This form is used in the Armed Forces of most countries. The name of Azerbaijan is not found in the list provided by the sites that disseminate information about this.

3. The photo and video were taken in the territory of one of the former factories in Baku. (The marked building is the building of the Ministry of Economy-ed.)

Finally, the information about Taner Akcam, who was the first to spread this news and whom Armenians eagerly refer to:

Taner Akcam was born in 1953 in Ardahan province of Turkiye. In March 1976, he was arrested for his articles in the magazine "Revolutionary Youth" of which he was the chief editor. In 1977, he escaped from Ankara Central Prison and received political asylum in Germany.

He is the head of the "Armenian Genocide" research center at the famous University of California (UCLA). The "Armenian Institute" at UCLA is the center that circulates the so-called genocide claims to the world. Taner Akcam also devoted almost all of his scientific activities to the subject of the so-called genocide.


- The chevron shared by Taner Akcam and other Armenian users is not included in the field or official uniforms of the Azerbaijani military, the information is fake.

-This photo was taken from the chevron of one of the participants of the airsoft simulation game.